Site 5

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Record Site Plan of Site 5

Aerial photo of site 5 taken
in 1954 by Fred Spencer

Site 5 - Communal Living Area (Mitchell Hall)

Site 5 was located between 'big wood' and 'ladies walk wood' to the South.

The site could be approached by a roadway on Burtonwood Road opposite gate 12 at the North end of BRD site.

Also, access could be gained from site 4.

The site buildings were laid out around a 'loop' road.

The site got its name 'Billy Mitchell' who was regarded as the father of the United States Air Force.

Also, the North American B25 Mitchell aircraft was named after him.

The site was completed in 1943 with 174 nissan huts being constructed.

In 1947 the site was refitted out.

In addition to the nissan huts the site housed the mess hall & dining hall, flight kitchen, mail rooms, theatre, dark room, hobby shop, chaplin centre, American Red Cross, boiler houses, water tower & the supply buildings.

When the Americans left there was no further use for site 5 and the site closed in the early 1960's.

      Site 5 Nissen living hut.

Jack Parks at site 5 photo taken
during 1957 by Chuck Reynolds

Site 5 Ablutions block

In the foreground is site 5 and in the background can
be seen the extended runway /27 and perimeter track. 

Site 5 Mess Hall Showing the Prop with 'Bill Mit-Chell Hall' Written Thereon
with a Badge on the Boss which is the 8th Air Force Badge Doctored
with a 'BM' in the Middle for 'Billy Mitchell During WW2.

Site 5 PX (Post Exchange) 1950's.

Site 5 Chapel Next to the Library 1950's.

Site 5 June 1957.

Tree carvings dating back to WW2 can be found today (2015)

The carvings look like it says 'USAAF' & '1944' & Baron

This tree is on Site 5

More Pictures etc Coming Soon Regarding Site 5 .....

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